We sat down and had a chat with our OMG! Donuts business owners in the beautiful Blue Mountains region, Scott and David.
Q: What made you decide to become an OMG! Donuts business owner?
A: A friend of ours was already an OMG! Donuts business owner and raved about this new donut business concept he had bought into. Being in the hospitality game ourselves in Sydney we were intrigued by the licensed business model concept and the freedom of owning an OMG! business in a location we already loved and had connections to and where we wanted to live. After trying the donuts, we were hooked.
Q: Do you operate the business as a side hustle or full-time?
A: It started off as a side hustle which quickly grew into a full-time business. There was such a demand for our donuts throughout the Blue Mountains that weekend markets simply weren’t enough to satisfy the appetites of our beautiful customers. They wanted more and we answered. We went from a weekend market here and there to a full-time operation. We now have a store open 7 days a week, fully booked weekends, weddings, birthdays etc. you name it we will do it!
Q: Your new permanent location at Katoomba Village Shopping centre looks fab, how is it going for you?
It’s great, we have such a loyal following and have become part of the community throughout the Blue Mountains. We are now known fondly as “The Donut Bois” to many. The welcome from locals has been amazing and they are so happy to have these amazing inclusive donuts, on their doorstep.
Q: How have you found the business in terms of your families and fitting everything else in life in?
A: It’s amazing, the flexibility of OMG! is nothing like we’ve seen or experienced before. There is no pressure to do better or be the best but there’s also the opportunity to run with it and that’s we did and have not looked back.
Q: What are the best parts of your OMG! business!
The flexibility of OMG! is amazing. Whether as a side hustle or full time. The OMG! family is so supportive and helpful and we really feel part of a bigger team but at the same time are independent and autonomous. The directors and HQ team are sensational, constantly striving to better things and going over and beyond whenever needed. Always just a phone call away. Our Market families are awesome, and we have met so many lovely people over our 3 years, some of whom we now call good friends.
Q: That is so nice of you, but warts and all – what’re the worst parts?
A: Honestly there really are no bad parts to this business. We love everything about it. We love what we do and love making people smile. It’s a win win type of business.
Q: Personally, have you gained anything from having the business?
A: Being our own bosses and the independence that gives, overcoming challenges, confidence, truly understanding business, oh, and revenue, what a great way to make a living.
Probably the biggest gain is we didn’t realise all the connections we would make and how totally awesome that would be. We’ve definitely learned a lot about food allergies and Coeliac disease and have a greater understanding and respect for it.
Q: What’s better – the permanent spot or all the markets and festivals you’re always popping up at?
A: Personally we prefer markets and events. The buzz in the early hours of the morning setting up shop and watching all the vendors hustle and bustle around us. The laughs had by all, the unknown of the day, the short hours (being finished by 1pm). But the shop is also great and gives people a regular place to get the donuts if they are having a gathering, meeting or a party or just a craving for a donut and that makes us happy too.
Q: Any highlights during your business journey so far ?
A: We once had a 95 year old lady with Coeliac disease who hadn’t had a donut in 80 years. The look of joy on her face as she bit into the donut left us all in tears. It’s the small things for us.
Q: What are your dreams for your OMG! business?
A: We are actually living the dream. We are in a good place right now with the business but also always on the look out for new opportunities to expand and make this delicious product as accessible to our customers throughout the Mountains as possible.
Q: And what about your local community in the Blue Mountains?
A: The mountain community is amazing, they welcomed us with open arms and have helped us along the way in so many ways. The support is unbelievable and we count ourselves lucky to live and work in such a beautiful community.
To learn more about the business opportunity for your area, head to our opportunity page.