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OMG! Decadent Donuts is proud of our endorsement with and accreditations by Coeliac Australia.  Many of our customers follow a gluten-free diet and are so appreciative of the reassurance this brings in the knowledge it is a treat they can enjoy safely.  

For people who have Coeliac Disease, which is an auto-immune disease, food is literally their medicine. The only treatment currently for treatment of Coeliac Disease is to eat food that does not contain gluten.  But the cost of gluten free food can be prohibitive, this is due to the higher cost of ingredients, higher manufacturing costs and also the advanced checking and testing required to ensure no cross-contamination.      

While attending the latest Gluten Free Expo in Sydney we discovered that Coeliac Australia are currently putting forward a petition to lobby the federal government to provide a subsidy for people diagnosed with Coeliac Disease to help people, with the disease, to help offset the costs associated with the higher cost of food.  As mentioned, their food is also their medicine.  We’d love your help to support them in this endeavour, here is the link to the petition, and we urge you to add your name to it.   

Through this petition, Coeliac Australia, are lobbying the federal government to introduce a subsidy for essential gluten-free foods, which are critical to the health and well-being of Australians living with the disease. For those affected, maintaining a strict gluten-free diet is not a choice but a medical necessity, crucial to avoiding severe health complications. However, the significantly higher cost of gluten-free staples such as bread, pasta, cooking ingredients, and breakfast foods places a substantial financial burden on individuals and families, making it difficult for many to afford these essential items.
 The disparity in pricing between regular and gluten-free foods means that Australians with Coeliac Disease are disproportionately impacted by the rising cost of living. These individuals must already contend with the challenges of managing a lifelong condition, and the additional financial strain only exacerbates the difficulties they face daily.  

 The petition calls upon the government to prioritise the health of those living with Coeliac Disease by implementing a subsidy for gluten-free essentials. Such a measure would not only alleviate the financial burden on affected individuals but also promote health equity across the country. By taking this step, the government would demonstrate its commitment to supporting all Australians in leading healthy, fulfilling lives, regardless of their medical needs.

Why is this important? 

We are just a humble donut business, but we do believe that supporting this petition is crucial to ensuring that Australians living with Coeliac Disease have equitable access to the food they need to maintain their health. Currently, gluten-free staples such as bread, pasta, and other essential ingredients are significantly more expensive than their regular counterparts. For those with Coeliac Disease, adhering to a strict gluten-free diet is not a matter of choice but a medical necessity. By supporting this cause, you would be advocating for helping to alleviate the financial strain on individuals and families who already face the daily challenges of managing a lifelong condition.

This petition is not just about reducing costs; it’s about promoting health equity and ensuring that all Australians have the opportunity to live healthy, fulfilling lives, regardless of their dietary needs. By backing this initiative, you would be contributing to a more inclusive society where people with Coeliac Disease are not unfairly burdened by the high cost of essential foods. Your support in signing the petition can help bring about meaningful change, making it possible for those affected to access the nutrition they need without financial hardship. 

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